Amateur Radio Resources for Worcester County and the Delmarva Peninsula.

Local Clubs

Worcester Radio Group - K3WRG

Website: k3wrg.com

The club callsign for the Worcester Radio Group is K3WRG and represents ham radio users in Worcester County, Maryland and beyond.

The K3WRG club is new to the scene but has a growing list of members with a variety of interests and specialties.

We are looking forward to participating in all sorts of events as well as general meet-ups to have some fun with radio.

Weekly Nets

  • Wednesday @ 8:00 PM - K3WRG Club Net on 443.450

Visit the Repeaters section for more information.

Sussex Amateur Radio Association - WS3ARA

Website: sussexamateurradio.com

The club callsign for the Sussex Amateur Radio Assication is WS3ARA. Members call it SARA for short. They are based out of Georgetown, DE but people come from all over the southern tri-county area of Worcester, Wicomico, and Sussex counties on Delmarva.

WS3ARA is an ARRL affiliated club and welcomes amateurs of all skill levels. You can learn just about anything given the varying degrees of expertise among this diverse group of members.

There is also a wide variety of annual events including the Radio Electronics Expo (Hamfest) in April, swap meets, learning conferences, fox hunts, POTA, and more!

The weekly nets and club meetings are opened to all amateurs including non-members.

Weekly Nets

  • Tuesday @ 8:00 PM - WS3ARA Club Net on 147.090
  • Wednesday @ 7:00 PM - Sussex EOC Net on 147.015
  • Thursday @ 7:30 PM - Sussex Tech Net on 147.090

Visit the Repeaters section for more information.

Delmarva Amateur Radio Club - K3DRC

Website: www.qsl.net/darc

The club callsign for the Delmarva Amateur Radio Club is K3DRC.

They are dedicated to preserving radio operating techniques, exploring new methods for communication, and providing communication capability for hams on Delmarva.

The weekly nets are opened to all amateurs including non-members..

Weekly Nets

  • Monday @ 9:00 PM - K3DRC Club Net on 146.820
  • Sunday @ 9:00 AM - QCWA Delmarva 150 Net on 146.820

Visit the Repeaters section for more information.

Peninsula Radio Operators Society - W3PRO

Website: N/A

The club callsign is W3PRO. There is a wide variety of members that are very active in the amateur radio community on Delmarva. You will find experts on DMR, Fusion, and HF. All hams are welcome on the 146.925 repeater.

Weekly Nets

  • Nothing Scheduled, but tune in everyday on 146.925 around 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM for daily ragchew.

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